Pick a day to start and go 100%. Once you start, stick to it for at least 30 days. Your rapid progress will motivate you.
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Kick things off with a video where Abel answers frequently asked questions and walks you through getting started.
Access your interactive dashboard and track your progress with checkmarks and progress bars that make burning fat more like a game.
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The Wild Diet is condensed in this simple, straightforward guide so you can get started right away.
Simple steps to prepare your meals ahead of time, shopping lists, color photos, and easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert.
A printable log to track your meals, exercise, sleep, and mindset so you can look back at your progress over time.
The success stories just keep pouring in. Thousands of women and men in dozens of countries worldwide have experienced the most astonishing body transformations by using the powerful and proven principles of The Wild Diet..
This program is the "missing element" that can give you back control of your health and your life, restore your self-confidence and natural energy, transform your body shape and help you lose all the weight you want – and KEEP IT OFF – in a safe, natural and healthy way.
Are YOU up for the challenge?
“Over the next 4 weeks I lost 17 lbs and several inches going from a tight size 18/20 to a 14! I saw my IBS symptoms completely disappear as well as a constant upper abdominal pain that had plagued me for nearly 3 years. Also my GERD symptoms disappeared and I was able to stop taking a prescription medication! Skin redness and rashes that had bothered me for years disappeared. I was glowing!”
- Ambriel
“I started the Wild Diet after stalling out on other diets. Starting at 305 lbs, I lost 26 lbs and ended up at 279lbs. My pants size went from a 44 to a 40, and is juuuust about to be a 38 (I can sneak into them, but they are snug!) and my belt is now on the smallest loop.
I feel amazing! I have so much more energy than I have had in easily 10 years. The gout is gone (knock on wood!) and I can walk and jog like I used to. The inflammation is gone, and it is a great feeling overall. I find myself more able to WANT to do things and less likely to want to take a nap. Yes, even my libido has been more active by FAR.”
- David
"Finding this lifestyle has changed my life…in just one short month.
I have lost 23 pounds and over 14 inches. My work relationships are better. I have so much energy, I tried racquetball and zumba for the first time. I started wearing makeup and making cute hairdos, that isn’t something I have done in years. Thanks Abel and Alyson!!!!!!"
- Danica
“20 lbs down in 30 days! I’m feeling really great. I am a recovering sugar addict, and I’ve fallen off the paleo wagon so many times over the past few years. The Wild Diet has been different. The meal plans, the tribe support, the guilt-free desserts, and especially the green smoothies (where have these been all my life??) have made the Wild Diet stick, where basic paleo didn’t.
I’m a long time listener to the podcast, but getting the book and meal plans made a huge difference. I can’t recommend it strongly enough.”
- Joshua
“Alyson and Abel, Thank you for changing my life!!!! I feel so much better and have more energy. I feel like a more pleasant person, I have more confidence and I’m handling stressful situations much better. 30 days in and I can’t wait to see how far I get by 100 days.”
- Shannon
“WOW!! What a difference 30 days makes!
During that month I lost over 24lbs and was able to wear shoes for the first time in over 2 years. A whopping 23.5 inches lost over the past 30 days!!!! 6″ alone in my waist, no wonder my pants are falling off of me. lol I’m super excited about the next 30 days… 30 years even!
I have been fighting for disability assistance for the past year and as of last week decided that after another couple of months I will be able to take care of myself again. That alone brings tears of joy!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your guidance and support! ”
- Wes
“I started “dabbling” in the Wild Diet around January 7th. I lost seven pounds from that date until the challenge started. I am now down 17 pounds total and am ecstatic about the beauty of this new lifestyle.
My blood pressure medicine has been cut by half, my Mobic for body pain has been halved as well. My doctor foresees that I will be off of these meds in no time and she was beyond thrilled with my progress at my visit last week. She wants to hear all about the Wild Diet, said it was “perfect” and is going to spread the word to her patients!
My clothes are beginning to hang on me and I need to go shopping! Yay! I have renewed energy and amazingly, I am beginning to crave the veggies! This will be my lifestyle forever and I thank you both from the bottom of my heart!”
- Janet
Kurt lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks on The Wild Diet… But more importantly, Kurt is off all of his prescription medications, and has dropped significantly more body fat than any other contestant on the ABC reality TV show My Diet Is Better Than Yours.
So does The Wild Diet work in the real world? While the other contestants worked out twice a day or jogged endlessly, Kurt spent very little time working out and still dropped a pound a day!
When you focus on eating nutrient-dense foods higher in fat and fiber and lower in carbs, your body starts burning body fat like nobody’s business. Even if you’re not working out that much.
And, crucially, The Wild Diet protocol also selectively burns body fat with limited hunger while retaining lean muscle. While other contestants were losing hard-earned muscle, Kurt is transforming into a Fat-Burning Man. :)
While Kurt was filming for the ABC television show, his wife Alecia was doing her best to eat Wild, too.
Unlike past dietary approaches, Alecia didn’t count calories on The Wild Diet. She’s the first to admit that her “diet” wasn’t perfect… she even enjoyed quite a few “free meals” and treats like birthday cake at work.
But by Week 7 of My Diet Is Better Than Yours, Alecia had already lost 32 pounds. Here’s the crazy part: by week 7, Alecia had actually lost more weight than any of the female contestants in the competition on the ABC show!
Then It’s ALL FREE. Really. I believe that if you don’t get value out of my program, you shouldn’t have to pay a dime.
I know the Wild Diet works, as do the many individuals who have already experienced its rapid fat loss power first hand. But at the same time, I understand that you still may be skeptical, and as such I want to do everything I can to make this a no-brainer, risk-free decision for you. Because it could seriously change your life, and I hope it does.
And for that reason, this is what I do: for each and every person who orders my program, I extend my Iron-Clad, 60-day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee.
Simply put, if you follow my program and for any reason are NOT entirely satisfied with your results, just contact me and I’ll refund your money. It’s that simple. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.
If you are not completely satisfied, the program is on me.
Absolutely not. Not only does my program allow for plenty of healthy carbs, fats, and protein on regular days, but there are also regular cheat days built in to the program where you can literally eat WHATEVER you want. Dramatically spiking your caloric intake can actually help accelerate your fat loss results – guilt-free.
The methods of the Wild Diet and the Wild30 Challenge apply to both sexes.
The concepts taught within the Wild30 Challenge can be applied to both fat loss and muscle building and toning. The truth is that building muscle generally results in fat loss, and fat loss reveals more muscle definition.
For example, if you really want six pack abs, ab exercises will not be beneficial unless you burn off the stubborn stomach fat that covers them. Most importantly, you’ll learn the TRUTH about what a truly nutritious diet really is and learn to decipher all of the misconceptions in the world of food advertising and in the media.
Personally, I wish that I understood all of the powerful training and nutrition secrets that I do today years ago. It would have saved me years of frustration when I was training and eating in ALL the wrong ways. That’s where this challenge will set you straight for life, so that you don’t have to struggle to try to figure everything out on your own for years like I did.
The majority of the exercises focuses on full-body training programs as well as strategic exercise combinations and sequencing that increases the metabolic rate and stimulates a fat-burning hormonal response in your body.
But the majority of the Wild30 Challenge material is focused on nutritional strategies and a fully comprehensive dietary plan that will actually have you enjoying what you eat and getting and staying lean for life.
Yes! Many people in their 50′s and 60′s have experienced massive success while using the Wild30 Challenge. The program is set up to increase your metabolism regardless of your age.
No! The entire challenge will become immediately available to you after your purchase – no shipping fees, no waiting for results!
No way – it’s easy as pie. The nutritional aspect of the program applies to everyone. I developed the Wild30 Challenge with beginner, intermediate, and advanced strategies for training.
All of the training and dietary strategies can be used by everybody from teenagers looking to get stronger and leaner, all the way up to overweight grandpas who simply want to feel and look better.
The video and information section alone was well worth the investment and opened their eyes to dozens of things that they had never realized they were doing wrong in their dietary habits.
Exercise will absolutely help and accelerate fat loss, but most people make progress with the dietary strategy alone.
It’s really up to you. I personally don’t go to the gym and prefer to work out at home with a set of kettlebells.
In fact, you can even get decent results simply by doing many of the exercises that use only your own body weight featured in the program.
If you like to work out at home, I usually recommend a mix of body weight exercises as well as at least picking up a set of adjustable dumbbells and a kettlebell. Adjustable dumbbells are probably the best investment you can ever make if you’re going to decide to work out at home instead of being a member at a gym.
To be honest, you don’t really need anything fancier than that to get serious results.
The nutrition plan is actually the MOST important part of the program. Gaining a thorough understanding of diet and nutrition is absolutely critical if you want to lose excess weight, flatten your stomach and see your abs.
The majority of the challenge is devoted to helping you to understand the confusing world of nutrition, especially considering all of the marketing hype that is thrown at you daily by overly aggressive supplement companies, food manufacturing companies, and gimmicky diet fads that keep popping up daily.
Absolutely NOT! I consider the majority of supplements and diet pills are a complete waste of money. They are simply luring you in with their devious marketing ploys to try and get you to believe that there is a “magic potion” that will solve all of your body fat and muscle issues and have you looking like a fitness model in a couple days.
The truth is that you don’t need supplements to develop the body of your dreams! All you need is the most effective nutrition paradigm that shows you the right combinations and quantities of food, a success-oriented mindset, and a training strategy. It works whether you set your goals on fat burning or muscle building.
Yes, you can still use the principles of the fat loss nutritional strategies section and get great results even if you choose to be vegetarian. You will simply need to modify some of the examples to your vegetarian needs.
However, since you’ve chosen to eliminate animal based products from your diet, you’ll need to be extra careful to obtain sufficient quality protein and other nutrients to keep your body healthy and functioning properly.
Yes – in fact, you’ll be one step ahead!
Yes! You can definitely still join in. We'll keep the challenge open so you can come back here and re-take the challenge whenever you want at your own pace.
The Wild30 Challenge is primarily a nutritional program, as 80% of your results will be dictated by what you put in your body, not what you do to it. However, the exercises in the challenge will accelerate results.
The full-body workouts generally take between 15 and 45 minutes and are recommended most days of the week.
I understand that many people are still just now making their first purchases online and are a little nervous about using their credit cards on the web.
These days, online payment processors have advanced to the point that they are actually MORE secure than many other forms of payment. In many ways, ordering online is actually a safer method of payment than giving out the info on the phone or on a mail-in stub, etc where an actual human is going to have access to your info.
With a secure online form, a human will not have access to your info, only the merchant bank. Our account uses SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information from being viewed by any third parties. Even as the website owner myself, I don’t have access to any credit card information that you input into the order form. Only the bank processes the information.
You’ll notice that when you get to the page where you are inputting your card numbers, the beginning of the web URL will change from http to https. That indicates that you are on a secure page and the info cannot be found by a third party. Keep that in mind on any websites where you are using your credit card. Always look for the https at the beginning of the web address on the actual page where the card info is requested.
An e-book is simply a quicker and easier method of obtaining the program you want to purchase.
Instead of waiting for a physical book to come in the mail, you will be able to download the Wild30 Challenge bonuses in Adobe PDF format right to your computer or device immediately after ordering.
All you need is the free Adobe Reader or PDF viewer which already comes installed on most computers. However, if you have an older computer and don’t have Adobe Reader installed, it is a free download at adobe.com.
The main program will only take about a minute to download if you have a high speed connection. Once you download the e-book to your computer, you simply save the PDF file to a directory (a folder, your desktop, etc.) and then you can open it and either read it on your computer or device any time you wish. Even better, you can print it out to bring with you to read anywhere.
During the Wild30 Challenge you’ll have the opportunity to connect with an Accountability Partner, as well as enter our giveaway for over $600 in prizes.
The easiest way to join the challenge is by clicking on the link below. Click the “Reserve My Seat” button below to download your bonuses and access the Wild30 Challenge material NOW and claim your $50 off coupon today only.
Try the Wild30 Challenge on me. If you are not completely satisfied, you'll get every penny back. My money-back guarantee is iron–clad. No questions. No weasel clauses.
You get a full, prompt and friendly refund – and we part as friends. No questions asked. All the pressure and risk is on me. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
Click below to Reserve your Seat in the Wild30 Challenge and start burning fat today.
Required Legal Disclaimer: Recent laws from the FTC require that we identify what a "typical" result is. The truth is that most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, they don’t get any results. If you want results you need to take action. The people you see on this web site are examples of our best results and are not typical. They stuck to their diets and changed their lifestyle. In other words, they took action. If you want results, you should do this, too. So let's make it happen!